Wednesday 8 December 2010

Why we picked regents park as our setting

The reason why we picked regents park as our setting is because a park is a stereotypical place for teenagers to go and chill out day or night. It is also a good place for us to do shots of our killer without showing his full identity as we want to keep that hidden until the very end, we also hide his identity by not having his name in the title.

Regents park is also easy to film in because their are a lot of areas in it which are empty therefore we wont have no problems filming there. Another reason why we chose regents park was because it can be quite scary at night therefore we can film our more thrilling scenes without any problems
 and also foreshadow deaths that happen at the end of the film. There are a lot of trees therefore when it comes to the sound part of our editing we can use a lot of special effects such as; crunching leaves, twigs and the sound of twigs and leaves being pushed around by the wind which is a big positive as it will help us to stick to the codes and conventions of the  thriller genre.


Our teacher taught us how to make a storyboard in class which was very useful and ideal because it helped us to visualise our film and make improvements for example we first made a limited amount of shots and we were then shown a scene being filmed and we saw that 10 second scene included a lot of shots therefore that helped us with our storyboard as we added a lot more shots. We then went on to making a filming schedule which is very handy as it helps with the timings and times of when and where shots are going to be taken it also helps us determine what we need for each shot so we can shoot without any problems such as no props etc.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Treatment of overall film

The two main characters are introduced in the beginning, the antagonists, who are a boy and girl they are teenagers and the protagonist is also introduced who is a big and dressed in all black he is in his early 20’s and looks very intimidating like a criminal/killer. The opening starts off with a black screen with sound effects of running, heavy breathing and leaves and then the two antagonists stop and think they are safe and start kissing and then the killer rises behind them and it stops and there is a flash.
All of the characters, a group of teenagers walk into Regents Park with drinks of bottles ready to have a good time and then there’s a point of view shot of the killer coming closer and closer to the group of teenagers who are having fun drinking and playing games. He then appears and kills one of the teenagers by stabbing them while he is sitting down laughing and all of the teenagers scream and scatter. The killer then kills the rest of the teenagers slowly throughout the movie one by one except for two a boy and girl.
In the end the flash back at the beginning is shown again fully. The boy and the girl are running and then they stop and think they are safe and are relieved talking about the fact that they are safe etc. The killer then rises up behind them with a knife pointing at them and it then ends showing that there will be a sequel to the movie. By us ending it like that it leaves the audience wanting to watch the sequel to see if the killer gets caught and if the boy and girl live or not. Then a detective shows up at the end and is on a hunt for the person who caused these continous murders.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Summary of our Research

As a class we researched thrillers. We watched a couple thriller movies such as; Se7en, Memento, The Bourne Identity and Fatal Attraction. The codes and conventions of the thriller genre are; the edge of the seat effect which leaves the audience tense and full of suspense, thrillers consist of two main chracters the antagonist who is the villain and he also drives the plot as he gives the protagonist various different challenges to overcome the protagonist is the hero who the audience relates to as both the antagonist and protagonist are normal casual people with no powers as such. We wrote an essay on the movie called Se7en which helped us research the thriller genre because we had to define what the term thriller means and we had to write about what kinds of editing, mise en scene and plot was in the movie which is going to help us in the making of our 2 minute thriller introduction. We learnt what types of camera shots to use for our 2 minute thriller from watching all these movies. We also saw what kind of sound we should use in our thriller throughout different situations.

Research for Our Thriller

As part of our AS media course we have been asked to produce a 2 minute introduction to a thriller movie.