Thursday 11 November 2010

Summary of our Research

As a class we researched thrillers. We watched a couple thriller movies such as; Se7en, Memento, The Bourne Identity and Fatal Attraction. The codes and conventions of the thriller genre are; the edge of the seat effect which leaves the audience tense and full of suspense, thrillers consist of two main chracters the antagonist who is the villain and he also drives the plot as he gives the protagonist various different challenges to overcome the protagonist is the hero who the audience relates to as both the antagonist and protagonist are normal casual people with no powers as such. We wrote an essay on the movie called Se7en which helped us research the thriller genre because we had to define what the term thriller means and we had to write about what kinds of editing, mise en scene and plot was in the movie which is going to help us in the making of our 2 minute thriller introduction. We learnt what types of camera shots to use for our 2 minute thriller from watching all these movies. We also saw what kind of sound we should use in our thriller throughout different situations.

Research for Our Thriller

As part of our AS media course we have been asked to produce a 2 minute introduction to a thriller movie.